Zetro's Logo

Zetro aims to be a tool for learners. It is not for your grocery list, managing your calendar, or journalling. It is for learning: a sector that is often neglected by software.

The Idea

If you are reading this, you probably have developed a bundle of tools that make up your study system. These tools bridge a digital and a physical world: paper, notebooks, powerpoints, word docs, websites, Youtube videos, etc. The list goes on, but often the software in our toolbox was not built for studying. They were designed to be word processors, presentation tools, or PDF readers. This works. But to what extent? Let me ask you:

  • How much time do you spend formatting your notes?
  • How often are you switching between tools and getting distracted in the process?
  • How often are you taking screenshots, dragging from your desktop, and then resizing to avoid that awkward page gap in Google Docs and Word?
  • How often are you searching for that one thing you are sure you wrote down?
  • How time-consuming is it to read through something and highlight it, then you have to go back again to type out all of the highlights?

These tools are incredibly versatile, but this also makes it hard for them to specialize in a specific set of user problems. How would a tool that is optimized for note-taking in a digital world look? That is the question Zetro aims to answer.


Typically, study systems have an ingestion phase, which is inline with conventional note-taking. Then there’s a review phase, which is everything that comes after (summaries, cue cards, etc). The exact manifestation of these phases differs from person to person. However, one of the issues that I am looking to explore with Zetro is the review phase. More specifically, if you begin to frame your notes as a hive of ideas and then manipulate from this point forward, will you engage with the content more intimately? Does this intimacy with the content foster an improved learning environment?

In all honesty, I am not sure how this “hive” will look in practice, and even if I did, validating this hypothesis requires your notes to be centralized. By initially focusing on the ingestion phase, I hope to build a foundation to explore the question in a much more meaningful way.

How you study is the result of gradual tinkering and evolution of methods. Zetro is not meant to replace your system all together, but instead become another valuable weapon at your disposal.


PDF Annotation

Highlight text and screen capture images directly

Easy Export

Easily copy and paste your nodes without formatting

Equation Editor

Coming Soon

Convert equations from Screen Captures and label variables

Node Graph

Coming Soon

Break away from viewing your notes as distinct documents and see them in new light


Coming Soon

Quickly search through all of your notes

Rich Text Node

Coming Soon

Support Bold/Italics/Underline for Text Nodes